Hotels in Strobl am Wolfgangsee

The following list of hotels in Strobl am Wolfgangsee is not meant to be complete. It is rather an open collection of hotels and private accommodation that should help you to get an idea of where you could stay. If you think about booking a place, note also our main page on hotels from Salzburg. It comes with pictures and detailed information about the individual houses. For this list, we are happy to accept suggestions if you know of a place that is not included but should be mentioned.

Hotel Bergrose-Rosenstüberl
Weißenbach 162
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 5431
Fax: +43 6137 5431-5

Hotel Seethurn
Weißenbach 88
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 20255
Fax: +43 6137 20255-8

Hotel Stroblerhof
Ischler Straße 16
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 7308-0
Fax: +43 6137 5228-60

Lilly Hotel
Nr. 116
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 7315-0

Brandauers Villen
Moosgasse 73
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 7205-0
Fax: +43 6137 7205-40

Gasthof Kirchenwirt
Bürglstraße 18
5350 Strobl
Phone: +43 6137 7207-0
Fax: +43 6137 7207-7

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